Lightning app builder tutorial
Lightning app builder tutorial

lightning app builder tutorial

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  • What are profiles and how to customize user profiles?.
  • lightning app builder tutorial

    What are tabs and how to create tabs in your app?.I have covered the following topics in this Salesforce tutorial blog with step-by-step instructions and screenshots: The college, students belong to, will be stored in the second object called College and the third object called Marks will contain the marks obtained by the students in various subjects. The first object called Students Data will contain the names of students and their personal details like email id, phone number and native city. This app will contain three different objects (tables) to store data. I will be creating an app called StudentForce which can be used to maintain student records. In this Salesforce tutorial blog, I will show you how to create a custom Salesforce App. In the previous blogs, you learnt what is Salesforce and different Salesforce certification.

    Lightning app builder tutorial